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February 10, 2025
Were excited to announce that our Spring Camp is happening soon! Its a great opportunity for students to engage in fun, enriching activities during the break. Please see the attached flyer for deta. . .
February 7, 2025
We know students tend to get sick a lot during this time of year which can take a toll on their attendance in school. While theres not much we can do about the weather, there are some simple things e. . .
January 29, 2025
Hello Santa Rita Parents, We are happy to announce that we will be doing another fundraiser for our students with "World's Finest Chocolates" starting on Feb 14th. We will be sending our permission sl. . .
We’re not like every other K-12 school district. See what makes our district stand out from the crowd.
We recognize that education goes beyond academic achievements and encompasses the overall well-being of students.
We actively promote a forward-thinking approach to education, incorporating project-based learning, personalized instruction, and the integration of t
We foster strong partnerships between the district, parents, local businesses, and community organizations.